Library Services

Mr. Barnabas Bwango

Ag. Head - Library Services

1.0 Introduction:

The Library Services is the basic unit of the Institute of Adult Education (IAE) which facilitates effective teaching, learning, and research through its resources available in both print and non-print media. The IAE main library can be easily accessed by the IAE students, researchers, academic and administrative staff located within the building of the Institute (Headquarter). We also have provision of library services in up country regional offices (Campuses): Morogoro (WAMO Library) and Mwanza (Luchelele Library)

1.1 Objective

The objectives of the Institute of Adult Education Library are as follows:

(a) To promote creative and critical thinking through information literacy.
(b) To empower users to locate, evaluate and use information available in a variety of innovative formats.
(c) To facilitate quality teaching and learning process.
(d) To provide reliable information, rapid access, retrieval and transfer or dissemination of information and.
(e) To provide information for continuous and lifelong learning culture through providing facilities and learning atmosphere, guidance in location, selection and use of materials.
(f)Establish and maintain rural libraries to stimulate community development

1.2 Library Collection:

Library has several relevant and reliable materials.It has also reference materials such as Dictionaries, Handbooks, Thesaurus, Biographical, Dictionaries, Encyclopedia, Statistical Sources, Quotation Books, Research Guides and Style Manuals. Also other information materials available are; dissertations, theses, Newsletters, Newspapers,General Magazines, and Reference materials published in English or Swahili.The IAE Library also provides Internet connections that offer comprehensive access to information materials.

1.3 Services Offered by the IAE Library:

(a)Reading service.Books, Journals (periodicals, dissertation and other).


(c)Reference materials: Dictionaries, Encyclopedia, Directories and other;

(d)Newspapers:Daily News, Sunday News, Uhuru, The Guardian, Nipashe, Mwananchi, Mtanzania, Rai, Tanzania Daima, Raia Mwema,Majira etc.

(e) Inter library loan and

(f)Access to electronic materials through: AGORA, HINARI, OARE, ARDI and GOALI (Research 4 Life)

1.4 Library Rules and Regulations:

The Institute of Adult Education Library Rules and Regulations are meant to guide the library users on proper use of the library collection and other facilities within the library.Admission into the library and use of the resources shall be conditional upon the strict observance of the library rules and regulations.

1.5 Conducts of Users:

While in the library the following rules shall be adhered to:

(a) Silence must be observed in the library.
(b) Smoking and the use of matches is not permitted.
(c) Misuse of library facilities is prohibited.
(d) Bags, dispatches of attached cases must be left at the issue desk (check point) and kept in the allocated area.Users are advised to remove all their valuable items such as cell phones, money, cameras and others.
(e) The use of cellular Phones in the library is strictly prohibited.
(f)Water and food should not be consumed or brought into the library and
(g) Making and mutilating library materials is strictly for bidden.

1.6 Opening Hours:

The opening hours are as follows.

1.7 Normal working Days:

(a) Monday to Friday: 8.30 am to 6.00pm.

(b)Saturday:8.30 am to 2.00 pm.

(c)On Sunday and Public Holidays the Library will remain closed.